The Beach, Abersoch 1977

29th June 1977

Dear (Marion?) & Rachel

Hope alls going smoothly no emergency’s etc! Enjoying ourselves boating, bathing and boozing! Weather’s good Sunday today, rained all day yesterday. John’s taken on all the shopping & cooking so I’m just making the most of this hol. Hope Rachel is enjoying the change.

Love to you both, John & Paula.

The Bindery Tea Room, Broadway, 1945

8th Aug 1945

53. Shipston Rd Stratford- upon – Avon.

Dear (?) We had a perfect day for the wedding and all went well. (Holiday?) was lovely. Ryelle’s son was born on July 31st so that was very convenient.

[Arrow at side (?) (?) date]

We’ve had one glorious hot week. Today is wet, but we went in a (ch? tow? to? Chipping Campden?). Had a lovely homemade tea in a place where there were lovely (?) toys made in (fiet-wood?).  We hope to make some like it for xmas. I was sorry not to say goodbye but perhaps you’ll come to see us one day.

Much Love

(?) & Alec

Lourdes 1962

24th (?) 1962

Having a great time here, I’ve already got the addresses of two French boys & I’ll tell you all the news when I see you. I hope that you have been (revising?) all through the hols.

Best wishes,
